The Cleveland Show is a new animated series that follows everyone's favorite soft-spoken neighbor, Cleveland Brown (Mike Henry), to his hometown in Virginia as he settles down with his high school sweetheart, her unruly kids and his own 14-year-old son, Cleveland Jr. (Kevin Michael Richardson).
Many years ago, Cleveland was a high school student madly in love with a beautiful girl named Donna (Sanaa Lathan). Much to his dismay, his love went unrequited, and Donna wound up marrying another man. Cleveland once told Donna he would always love her, and if this man ever done her wrong, he'd be there when she called. Well, this man done her wrong.
Donna's husband ran off, leaving Donna with a teenage daughter and a young son. Now she's open to Cleveland and has offered him another chance at love. True to his word, Cleveland joyously reunites with Donna, and he and Cleveland Jr. settle in Virginia to join their new family.
In Virginia, there are a few surprises in store for Cleveland, including Roberta (Reagan Gomez-Preston), a rebellious new stepdaughter; Rallo (Henry), his new 5-year-old stepson who loves the ladies; and a collection of neighbors that includes a loudmouthed redneck, Lester (Richardson); a hipster wanna-be, Holt (guest voice Jason Sudeikis); and a religious pair of talking bears, Tim (Seth MacFarlane) and his wife Arianna (guest voice Arianna Huffington).
Utgitt | 2009 |
Format | DVD |
Sjanger | Komedie, Animasjon |
Antall disker | 4 |
Spilletid | 7 t 42 min |
Aldersgrense | 11 |
Undertekst | Norsk |