All five seasons of the sci-fi television drama, co-created by J.J. Abrams, following a team investigating cases of strange phenomena that exist on the fringes of science. FBI agent Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv) suspects a sinister presence behind bizarre and unexplained events and enlists the help of a scientist who has been in a mental institution for the last 17 years, Walter Bishop (John Noble), along with his son, Peter (Joshua Jackson). Together, they explore various cases which go beyond the realms of normal police work and soon begin to uncover a trail leading to a global corporation called Massive Dynamic. NB! Vi gjør oppmerksom på at produktet ikke har norske undertekster.SkuespillereAnna Torv, Joshua Jackson, John Noble, Lance Reddick, Kirk Acevedo, Blair Brown, Jasika Nicole, Michael Cerveris, Luke Goss, Ari Graynor
Utgitt | 2013 |
Format | Blu-ray |
Sjanger | Sci-Fi |
Antall disker | 16 |
Spilletid | 71 t 40 min |
Aldersgrense | 15 år |